Summer Reading has arrived! This year’s program runs from June 15 to July 25. Register for the reading program and win cool prizes. Plan to attend in-library events or story times. Watch performers online. Enjoy activities with our Take-Home Craft Kits. We will offer something for everyone this summer and are committed to helping keep all of our patrons safe and healthy. Masks are required at all library branches. Social distancing is observed and will be maintained in small, in-library events. Curbside service is available at all branches.
Summer Reading Registration may be completed online on the library website HERE. Then pick up a registration packet with your reading log and other goodies at your nearest branch. Ask the staff, call ahead for curbside service or grab a packet from the Registration table near the entrance.
Sign up for in-library event at your local branch (registration is required for all program). However, some of the in-library events will also be offered as Take-Home Craft Kits. These will be available near the front entrance of each branch. One to two craft kits will be available each week. No registration is needed for the Take-Home Craft Kits.
Correction to the schedule below: all book clubs will meet in-library. Please see the website for updated times and locations.
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