Harry Potter fans received a treat this week – a read-aloud of the entire Harry Potter series. Beginning May 7, one chapter per day will be read by a different celebrity. Start HERE with Chapter One: The Boy Who Lived, read by Daniel Radcliffe. Also find quizzes, puzzles, and reading activities on the Harry Potter at Home site.
Story Times

Vivan Vande Velde completed her chapter-per-day reading of her young adult novel Ghost of a Hanged Man. John R. Erickson read an excerpt of his popular series “Hank the Cowdog” from his Texas ranch. Mondays with Michelle Obama continued with “Miss Maple’s Seeds” by Eliza Wheeler. Tata Story Time featured “Tiana, Eat Up!” by Akitoye Sunday and “Who Do I See in the Mirror?” by Vese Aghoghovbia Aladewolu. We also introduced a new story time by Dr. Jane Goodall found HERE.
The Stratford Festival continues offering its high-quality Shakespeare productions, beginning a three-week run of Macbeth HERE. We also found 15 different animal cams at zoos from around the world. Find the list HERE and enjoy virtual zoo tours from your home.

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