In accordance with guidelines set by the governor’s office, St. Martin Parish Library announces its schedule for phased reopening. During Phase 1, library staff will return to all library branches on Monday, May 18. During this time period, staff will be available via phone to answer questions, and work to clean and sanitize all materials and surfaces in the library. All materials returned with be quarantined for 72 hours before returning to circulation. Phase 2 will begin on Monday, June 1. At this time, all library branches will be open to the public. However, each library branch will limit capacity to 25% of the building capacity set by the fire marshal. Meeting spaces and study rooms will remain closed to the public at this time. Additionally, all people entering library buildings will be required to wear a mask.
The Summer Reading Program will run from June 15 to July 25. It will combine in-person and virtual activities. Take-home crafts will be available throughout the reading program. Live performances will be replaced with dynamic online events. Registration will be announced soon.
As a reminder, all of the digital resources on the library website are available to library cardholders even when the library is closed. Free resources include ebooks, live tutoring, research/homework help, a craft and hobby database, computer tutorials, Ancestry, and more.
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